GGL Pet Services Policy Documents
policy Documents for Dog Home Boarding
Dog Home Boarding 2020
Dog Home Boarding
Animal Welfare – The Five Freedoms
Animal Welfare Act 2006 Section 9 The Five Freedoms.
Animal Welfare Act 2006
Animal Welfare Act 2006
Prevention of harm.
Unnecessary Suffering.
Tail Docking
plus more….
UK Dog Law 3
Reasonable Care,
Leash Laws,
Accidents involving Dogs,
Dog Fouling,
Motorway Driving
UK Dog Law 2
UK Dog Law part 2
Puppy Talk
Week 1 – 4
Textures and Scent
Week 4 – 14
Traffic and the outside world
Inside the Home
UK Dog Law 1
The difference between civil law and criminal law.
How does the law define ownership of a dog?
What does Strictly Liable mean? Animals Act 1971.
How is negligence determined?
What are the possible exceptions to liability?
Positive Reinforcement
GGL Pet Services: Home Boarding for Small Dogs
News Blogroll
Positive Reinforcement