GGL Pet Services

Small Dog Home Boarding


GGL Pet Services

Policy Handbook

License No AWL0003

Working Operating Procedures


Dogs are greeted upon waking and let outside into the garden. The double gate is locked, to avoid any escapes and to avoid entry into the garden from any outside influences such as the postman.

Clean up any accidents which have occurred overnight. Ensure the dogs are not in the same room when cleaning or vacuuming is undertaken, this is to avoid any stress and fear in the dogs.

Morning Feed

Commences around 8am; unless specified otherwise by the owner. Dogs are fed in separate rooms to avoid unwanted behaviour such as guarding and to ensure that dogs can eat in a relaxed atmosphere. Make certain that dogs taking medication mixed in with their food are eaten completely. It is vitally important that no other dog eats this food; it is only for the dog that the medication is prescribed for. (details found on medication form).

Afternoon Feed

Commences around 12pm. This feed is usually for younger dogs and puppies that need to be fed 3 or more times a day. Always feed dogs in separate rooms. Other Dogs can have a Kong with some of their feed allocation or a treat.

Evening Meal

Commences around 5pm unless otherwise specified by the owner, each dog must be fed in separate rooms. (See morning feed routine for further instructions).

The dogs diet will be agreed with the owner and recorded on the pet information form

GGL moniters the amount of water a dog drinks Owners will be told if their dog is drinking too much or not enough.

If there are concerns about a dogs diet the owners will be informed and veterinary advice sought.

If a dog has not eaten for longer than 24 hours vet advice will be sought

Bowls are disinfected at least once a week and disposed of if damage

Any concerns with feed or water intake will also be recorded on the dog health monitering form.


Indoors or in the Garden; weather dependant, can take place under supervision. Supervising dogs at play must be done at all times. Take note of the body language for over arousal, dominance and aggression; use noise aversion to distract the dogs if needs be.

Most dogs will play happily together; smaller dogs tend to chase each other. Play fighting can occur, this is healthy, just keep an eye out incase one dog is bullying the other and to ensure they are remaining playful. Interaction is good here, sprinkles, sit stays, etc can also help stimulate the dogs brain, which will aid the dispersion of excess energy so that some down time can be given. It is worth noting that Indoor Brain Training Games are also available. Such as Bobalot, roll the ball treats fall out, Kongs, Trixie which a dog has to twirl the object to retrieve a treat, ball games, tug games, cuddles, sprinkles which is find the hidden treats, this can be done at least twice per day for a minimum of 20 mins.


Dogs will receive 2 walks per day for a minimum of 20 mins each unless indicated otherwise by vet or owner, if a dog cannot be exercised, alternative stimulation inside the house or garden for at least 20 mins twice a day, this can include, interactive toys like Bobalot, roll the ball treats fall out, Kongs, Trixie which a dog has to twirl the object to retrieve a treat, ball games, tug game, cuddles, sprinkles which is find the hidden treats, walks are done during the warmest part of the day in winter, and the coolest in summer, coats can also be used and provided by the customer to wear on walks, the same for cool jackets in summer. Upon return from a walk during the cold weather, paws are checked for salt and cleaned, the dogs are fully dried off and showered if necessary. Any instructions from the owners are written on the ‘Pet Information Form’ which the owner will have filled in and discussed prior to leaving the dogs. The ‘New Dog Assessment form’ which will have been filled in during their free of charge 24 hour trial will detail any behaviour issues and extra information.

Dogs are walked on the Delph Donkey Bridle way. Or in an enclosed private field around the corner; depending on the dog’s age, agility and health status.

Unless the owner has signed for their dog to be walked off the lead, I must not let the dog off the lead at any point.

Dogs should only be let off the lead if the owner has signed the permission slip and if I am totally confident in the dogs recall. Recall can be worked on over time, but if I am doubtful I do not let the dog off the lead. All owners have been advised of this policy and they are happy for me to keep their dog on a lead if I do not feel the recall is good.

Dog Faeces

Poo bags are located in the kitchen cupboard opposite the boiler. Also in the treat bag which has a compartment to keep them whilst out walking.

All of the dogs faeces must be picked up when out walking, the keeper of a dog has a legal duty to clean up every time their dog messes in a public place and if there are no bins around you must bring the bags home and drop them in the bin.

In England and Wales, local authorities can introduce public space protection orders empowered by the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime & Policing Act 2014, making it an offence not to clean up dog mess in public areas. Under those orders, a person who doesn’t clean up after their dog may face an on-the-spot fine of up to £80. These fines are known as fixed penalty notices. If a person refuses to pay they can be taken to the local Magistrates Court for the dog fouling offence and fined up to £1,000.

Dog Law and public safety

When walking dogs, it is the Dog walkers’ liability; I am the dog’s keeper whilst they are in my care. If anything happens to those dogs, it is my responsibility, and I may have to pay any vet bills should they be injured. Always keep your focus on the dog and the dog’s behaviour as the Dog walker can be prosecuted if they do not have full control of the dog and it goes on to cause an accident. The Dog walker can also be sued for damages to property, individuals who keep any animals are under a legal duty of care to prevent them from causing harm to others. This is a civil liability under the law of tort, which means that where harm is caused – action can be taken against you by the person who suffered the loss or injury in court. We have a duty of care to people who are in our vicinity when walking dogs. If the dog walker is negligent in looking after or restraining the animal, and this directly results in harm, injury or loss to another person (or their property), then the owner will be liable in negligence. There is also criminal liability to consider which carries a large fine and could even land you in prison.

If 3 dogs are too many to control on a lead, then walk less dogs at any one time. If walking a dog off lead, make sure it has excellent recall and always secure the dog on a lead when you see other people including people with dogs walking towards you. See The Dangerous Dogs Act, Section 3, The Dogs Act 1871 Section 2 and the Animals Act 1971 Section 2 for further information about dogs being out of control, regardless to whether they acted dangerously or not. At the house we have a double gated entrance, this is not so much to stop the dogs escaping as it is to keep people out of the garden, including the postman, we have placed the postbox outside of the gate. We have a bell attached to the outside of the gate. The Garden is classed as a public place and anyone entering the premises who is afraid or bitten by a dog is my liability so we cannot stress enough that this double gate be locked to avoid this happening. Dogs are either placed behind the baby gate when people arrive or placed into their designated rooms to avoid any legal issues. We do not have many or any visitors apart from people who have an arranged appointment, we do not allow children into the house or into the garden whilst we have other dogs staying, we inform people of this when arranging appointments.

Dog Handling

When walking dogs on a pavement next to a road GGL Pet Services prefers to have the dog away from the road so that the road is on the walkers side, the lead should be held in both hands with the dog walking at your side and not in front you.

Dogs may extend once we have reached the bridle way. It is customary to put a dog onto a lead if there are people approaching, either with a dog or without a dog. Dogs will only walk off lead if the owner has signed the consent form and only if we feel the dog is responsive to recall. Dog treats are always carried as a motivation for them to return. Most dogs in the care of GGL Pet Services are trained to a fairly good extent before they arrive. Any larger dogs which pull on a lead are not accepted for boarding. We have re-branded to ‘Small Dogs’ to avoid having to refuse this. In the home dogs will be treated with care and respect. We use force free techniques and handle all dogs with care and love.

Further Reading you can find further reading on the law in the ‘News’ section of the website and in the ‘Useful links’ on the side bar.

The Dog Walking Guidelines

Countryside Code

Codes of Conduct which GGL Pet Services abides by.

There are also print outs of the above information kept in the training file situated in the desk

Sleeping Arrangements

Dogs are to be let out into the garden at regular intervals through the evening. Please note the double gate is always locked when dogs are staying.

Last thing at night. Gareth; (my husband) will let the dogs outside for them to ‘toilet’, he then places the dogs into their designated room for the night. Puppy Pads are placed in each room along with water bowls.

Dogs from the same household will both sleep together in the same room; usually the lounge, where they sleep on the sofa or in their beds, if provided. The owner will have signed the permission slip for this to occur. If for any reason that has not been done, they must be separated into different rooms. If there is only one dog staying, then that dog can choose where they want to sleep, unless specifications have been made by the owners.

Any Dog sleeping in the Kitchen will have its own bed plus a quilt and other covers if necessary, If no bed is provided then we have a very large sofa cushion which has removable covers for cleaning purposes which very comfortable.

Dogs Sleeping in the Bedroom will normally sleep on our bed, we will place the dogs own bed or one provided by GGL and it will be positioned at the foot of the bed so they can choose where they prefer to sleep.

Our Bathroom is a designated room also but is only used for Daycare dogs should they need to be separated from other dogs for any reason.


Each dog must have a his own water bowl each left in the room they are sleeping overnight, water bowls are replenished regular to avoid standing water and to avoid cross contamination.

Owners may bring their own dogs feeding bowls, use these if available; otherwise there is a selection of dog bowls in the cupboard opposite the boiler. Here you will also find dog treats and lick mats.

Owners equipment such as leads and harnesses must be checked to ensure they are suitable and fit for their purpose. There is a selection of leads and harnesses in a bag inside the porch which can be used if needed.

Owners must provide their own towels, brushes and shampoo, these must only be used for the dog they are intended for.

If a dog is habituated to a crate and the owner would like this to continue, for any reason, the owner must supply the crate. The door to the crate is always open when the dog is inside the crate. We do not crate puppies, we use a pen which has no floor or ceiling just to protect their movements if any visitors come or another dog is coming for a meet and greet, it is used for safety rather than convenience and it is put away when not in use.

A box for elderly, or arthritic dogs is provided to help them get up and down onto the sofa, and a stair gate is used to stop them climbing up and down the stairs. There is a secured gate between the kitchen and the lounge, the door also closes between the rooms. It is worth noting that all designated rooms have a closing lockable door and all windows have fly sheets and locking handles.

Dog Introductions

Some dogs who board with GGL also come for Daycare when there is availability, it is flexible due to the amount of dogs that are staying, and there are no promises made, all owners are aware that boarding takes priority over daycare. GGL Pet Services is licensed for 4 dogs and this number is never exceeded at any point. Dogs are always carefully introduced to any dog who they have not already met. There is a mandatory overnight trial for all dogs who are staying for longer than 3 nights. Meetings are initially done through a gate to first see the reaction of the new dog, If there are no signs of aggression then the gate can be opened, the owner is still here at this point. We then watch the dogs sniff each other and wait to see if playing or growling occurs, I usually interact with the dogs at this point using treat rewards for sits and encourage tug games with myself and another dog, any new dog which is showing aggression will not be allowed to stay, GGL realises that time is needed for dogs to adapt to a new environment usually dogs are apprehensive but change shortly after the owner leaves, usually for the better, if a dog is showing constant signs of stress and anxiety by panting etc for more than 1 hour, the dog is collected and an option for the dog to come for an hour another day to try to familiarise with me and any other dogs will be offered, however this can only happen if there booking is far into the future as we would not at that point accept a stressed, fearful or aggressive dog for boarding under any circumstances. If when the owner leaves and the dog is happy to be in my company and the company of the other dog or dogs then I monitor them at play to see if they are happy and no bullying is occurring, They will go for a walk together which from my experience usually resolves any nervous issues but if a dog is not happy during boarding they can be separated into another room where I would sit with that dog until it calms down, I would attempt to reintroduce them into the main area with the other dogs after an hour or so when the dog has calmed, this calming could be a chew treat, cuddles, a walk away from the house, worst case scenario the owner and/or the emergency contact will be telephoned and asked to collect the dog. Knowing the personalities of the dogs which come to stay in any capacity, we are able to match personality and compatible dog breeds, size, age, agility, for instance we would not have a feisty puppy staying with an elderly dog. We introduce any dogs prior to there stay; there are several ways of doing this. We offer a Free of Charge 24 hour trial, and or a Daycare trial. We can also arrange the owner to pop round whilst the dog it will be in the company of is currently here and they can meet that way. The Owner of any new dog is always asked if their dog is ok with other dogs, in particular French Bulldogs.

If there are any problems during a meet and greet then the dog will be unable to stay. Notes are always made on each dogs file stating who they have met, and whether they are ok to mix, this is to avoid any un-pleasantries that may have occurred from being repeated. Steps are always taken to ensure each dog has met the other before staying.

The familiarisation session will be recorded on the new dog assessment sheet and any problem behaviour recorded on the health & Behaviour monitoring form.

Leaving Dogs Alone

During a Meet and Greet with a new dog, I ask if they leave their dog alone for any period of time and what is their daily routine at home. If a dog has separation anxiety or does not like to be left alone, this is noted on the ‘Pet Information Form’ and I will never leave that dog alone for any period of time.

Dogs which are routinely left alone and have no issues with this are only ever left alone if I nip to the local shop. Dental, Doctors and Physiotherapy appointments are attended when there are no dogs here or at the weekend where this is possible.

If I am out of the house for any of the above reasons, it is normally no more than 1 hour. If there is more than one dog staying at this time, I try to avoid leaving the house but if I do, they are always separated into their designated rooms. A Kong, if permitted by their owners is usually left with each of them. There is a webcam which is connected to my phone that can be used should I feel the need.

In any event where I expect to be away for a long period of time, such as an emergency situation. Arrangements are made with a Dog walker, usually my key holder Lindsay Shelley to come and sit with the dogs and walk them in my absence. My husband is also here and can take time off work if necessary, he is always here during the evenings and weekends should I need to go out for longer periods but this is rare. Most personal activities are arranged when I have no dogs staying, these dates are marked in my diary so that I do not book any dogs in.

Puppy policy

Dogs under the age of 1 year old will be walked as required by the owner, The vet usually gives special instructions regarding length of walks during their first year. GGL Pet Services will endeavour to introduce them to new sounds and places. The house is a back to back cottage so there are noises from neighbours in the evening which may be unusual to them plus the odd tractor going passed the house, noises from the boiler firing are other things they can become accustom to, from experience we usually find problems with internal noise only occurs on their first overnight stay, as its all new and some pups will bark everytime there is a strange noise but I have found they become accustomed very quickly and the problem is minimal the second night, we will give the puppy time to adjust to their surroundings and keep a constant eye on them and their behaviour any issues recording on the new dog assessment form and the health and behaviour form. All dogs including pups are put into a separate room when I use the vacuum usually the kitchen as I can see them and they can see the me vaccing up, if the dog is fearful, vacuuming will stop. Most dogs are habituated to the noise of the TV some even interact when they see an animal on there, if they are barking with excitement I will let it continue. Pups don’t usually react to the doorbell ringing as it plays a tune rather than ding dong, so they are inquisitive, I will carry them outside to meet the postman who usually rings the bell if they have a parcel, this can be done without opening the actual gate. Traffic can be done at a safe distance, to start with, holding the dog stood on the patio they can see taller vans going past and the noise of the small cars, some pups may live on a main road and already have some experience of traffic, we work with the owner and ask about any training the pup is undergoing so I can keep up their regime such as not letting the dog upstairs or using commands they are currently learning. They will be carefully introduced and allowed to interact with other dogs of a sweet disposition and will be encouraged to interact with people during walks and at our home. We do have a play pen which can be used if we feel time out is required from playful behaviour. We try to only mix puppies with other puppies or other dogs which are playful and submissive rather than playful and dominant. We have a playpen which can also be used for time out, to give not only the pup a rest but any other dogs in the house. Puppy training pads can be placed next to the door if the door has to be closed in the winter due to cold weather, in the summer the door is usually open. the dog is taken outside whatever the season for regular toilet time, I find that pups watch the older dogs and have had success with them copying behaviour such as toileting on the grass. Once we get to know the dog well we are able to judge their body language but until then, they are watched and followed round to identify when they need to go out. Puppy pads are placed in specific places overnight if they have a favoured spot. We try to contain young pups into the downstairs only until they are older, eventually if the owner allows they will be allowed upstairs. We check for trailing wires and anything within reach of the puppy which could fall down and harm them, and we make the room puppy safe.

Death of a Dog

We take great pride in the care of any animal in our charge, however, If the dog is old and reaching end of life, the owner must notify us as per the Terms and Conditions, so that we can make a clear, written and signed end of life plan incase they need to visit the vet and it is recommended by the Vet that the dog should be put to sleep.

If for any reason a dog dies whilst in our care we have procedures in place. The owner will be notified firstly and if we cannot reach them we will contact the emergency person whose details are on the dogs file, this is checked with each visit to ensure we have always got up to date information. In the event no one can be reached and the situation is critical I will take vet advice. The vet will keep any dog which has died in storage until the owner returns. I will initially pay the vet fees that are required and make arrangements with the owner for reimbursement appropriately and with compassion.

Loss of a dog

Should a dog become lost in the case of fire evacuation or simply an escape, I must contact the Dog Warden, the Police and take advice regarding contacting rescue kennels in case the dog is taken there, also the local vets to make them aware in case any dog is brought in for microchip ID. Social Media can also prove helpful in these circumstances.

Revocation or suspension of license including critical illness

In the event that my license is revoked or suspended, I would inform the owner of all dogs which are staying and advise for their collection, I can also arrange for the emergency contact to collect the dogs if their owners are unable to collect due to being out of the country. I will then contact any owner who have dogs booked in for boarding and try to help them as best as I can so that they can find another boarder to accommodate their needs.

Should I be taken ill and need to go into hospital for any reason, my

Emergency Key Contact is Lindsay Shelley.  Lindsay will answer the call and will be able to come with a key to gain access to my house in the case of any emergency. She is a Dog Walker in the local area so is never more than 30 mins away.

My Husband Gareth Lord is also available for key contact should I be taken ill and need to be taken to hospital.

Emergency Contact Information for all Dogs residing in the house at the time will be found on clip boards hung on the kitchen door.

Lindsay or Gareth will be able to take care of anything which occurs in my absence.

They will contact licensing should my condition be critical and they can also arrange for emergency contacts to come and take the dogs away. If a dogs owner or emergency contact cannot be reached, Lindsay will be able to ring round other boarders in the area, which she knows most of and/or kennels to take the dogs, obviously they will keep attempting to contact or leave a message with a return phone number so owners can be made aware of the situation. In the event of my death, the business will be closed down.

Animal Welfare and Public Safety


We follow the 5 Freedoms which I have outlined in the ‘News’section of our website. 

We are aware of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 which are outlined in the ‘News’ section of our website. 

We take these laws and guidance seriously and work to a high standard in order to meet the duty of care required for animals staying in our home. We also ensure that it is safe for any member of the public who is invited into our home and have measures in place for introductions.

Any visitors are invited by appointment only and will not be allowed to enter unless it is completely necessary. Dogs are kept separate (behind baby gates) from any workmen that need to enter the house. Friends and family always ring first to ask if it is ok to call round. If we are aware that a dog does not like, for instance, men, then we advise them not to call round whilst that particular dog is here. No children are allowed on the premises whilst dogs are boarding unless it is only their own dog which is here. All dogs are introduced between barriers, if there is any sign of nerves from either human or dog, then the dogs can be placed in their designated rooms.


Monitering health and welfare


We do regular routine checks everyday, check legs, body, eyes, ears, mouth, paws coat belly, usually during cuddles to check for signs of injury and or pain. As well as fleas. As we do regular poo picks we can notice any worms or issues during the time of picking. Any issues will be recorded on the dogs health monitoring form and action will be taken and vet advice sought if necessary.

The dogs behaviour is also monitored on a daily basis to see if they are showing signs of stress, fear, anxiety or pain. Panting, over grooming/self mutilation, constant lip licking, shivering, constant barking howling or whining, avoidance of eye contact are just some of the things we watch out for and any issues are recorded on the health form along with the action that was taken, which could be seeking vet advise or contacting the owner, worse case scenario if the dog is unhappy in his surroundings then we may need to call the owner or emergency contact to come and collect the dog.

Any grooming requirements are discussed with owners and recorded on the pet information form.

Dogs are monitored to check if they are too hot or too cold if a dog is showing signs of heat or cold intolerance steps will be taken to warm or cool as necessary. 


Nuisance Noise Control 

Over the years we have taken steps to keep noise to a minimum, We find that dogs usually bark when somebody rings the door bell, this is expected of dogs. The neighbours accept this and have always responded by saying “they are just doing their job”this noise is usually short lived until the person at the gate has been dealt with, or any pre arranged visitor has been introduced to them. When in the garden, the dogs, in the past, have barked when people have walked passed the fence; our fence is a picket type fence so you can see through the slats. We have since erected a plastic decorative leaf boarder around the garden so this is no longer a problem, the dogs can still see through the double gate system but this is not directly onto the road so any barking is minimalized. Mostly the dogs will bark at the neighbours but it is short lived as the neighbours are dog friendly and happy to laugh at the situation, the dogs tend to become accustomed to them, so the barking does not continue. There are many other dogs in the surrounding houses which do sometimes set the dogs off barking, if this occurs, I use voice commands and sometimes ask the dogs to go inside. Barking has not been a major issue, it is natural behaviour for a dog to bark, it is their way of communicating, we allow it to occur for a reasonable period of time, where we know it will not be frowned upon by the neighbours. We do not use aggressive voice commands or body language and we never evoke fear in a dog for barking.



Routine Cleaning Schedule


Before a dog is admitted for boarding all equipment to be used by or in relation to that dog will be cleaned and disinfected


  • All Feed Bowls must be washed after each use, dried and put away. Dogs must be fed in separate rooms to avoid unwanted behaviour. All feed bowls are washed after every use and disinfected at least weekly, sterilising spray is used when required.


  • Water Bowls must be Cleaned and refilled regularly throughout the day, always ensure bowls are filled to avoid Dehydration. Each Dog should have their own bowl of water, even if they live in the same house. All water bowls are washed and disinfected regular, sterilising spray is used when required


  • We use Training Pads in the night, at least on the first visit, in case of any short comings, they are removed and disposed of in the bin if soiled the next morning and the floor is mopped Mop Floors using hot water, fairy liquid and add Pet Pride Disinfectant. (See bottle for amounts).


  • When a dog leaves and before any other dogs arrive we do a thorough Mop, disinfect, Vac, and change the covers on the sofa which are put into the washing machine for deep cleaning, this is to avoid cross contamination. We DO NOT use bleach on the floor. For a quick mop when disinfectant is not required, we use hot water and fairy washing up liquid. Disinfecting is done at least weekly.


  • We place any GGL ID Collars into the Washing Basket when a Boarding Dog leaves. Clean collars with different sizes are located on the back of the door in the kitchen, Do not put unwashed collars into this bag.


  • We Place any Blankets used by dogs into the Washing Basket, including the Seating Covers after a Boarding Dog Leaves and replace with a clean fresh ones for the next guest. Bedding will be disposed of if it cannot be cleaned.


  • We spray over with household flea spray available from vet, This is kept in the pantry on the shelf as you open the door. This can be done every 5 weeks if needed.


  • We clean Kitchen Surfaces after each use whether this is after preparing a Dog Feed or a Human Snack/Meal. This is to avoid dogs jumping up at the kitchen counter and gaining unwanted bad habits, we ensure the bin is out of reach or at least turned around so the dog cannot open it.


  • Raw Food must be kept in the fridge/freezer and not left out. Dried food can be kept in the cupboard or pantry in either a sealed container or a well sealed bag. Owners provide their own food and containers.


  • Gloves are provided and located in the kitchen above the bin. Hand sanitiser is on the kitchen window cill. Please do not forget your own health and safety.


  • Kong’s are cleaned after every use; any toy which contains food is cleaned daily with hot soapy water and disinfected after each dog leaves before another arrives. Sterilising spray is used when necessary. Toys and Grooming equipment are cleaned with soapy water when dirty and disinfected at least weekly.

  • Any towels which have been used to dry a dog must be placed into the washing machine for a daily wash. Spare towels belonging to GGL Pet Services can be used if the owners equipment is still wet from a wash or waiting to be washed, Towels are not shared between dogs to avoid cross contamination and must be cleaned after each use. 


Garden Cleaning 

Clear the Garden of any excrement as and when dogs have soiled, spot checks every 3 hours. This is to ensure any bacterium is not passed on to any other dogs, or even humans who could be susceptible to some bacteria and parasites. Pet Friendly Lawn Disinfectant is available for any major issues with smell or diarreha. Disinfecting the garden and patio area is done weekly to avoid the spread of disease. Place poo bags in metal bin, inside black bin liner; this must be carried over to the big bin across the road once full. 

Check and Hose away and stains from urine or solid excrement from the outside paved area and grass when spotted and debris brushed away afterwards. The garden is brushed down every day. 

Do not Jet wash the patio or use the Fire Bin when dogs are staying. 


Car Cleaning 

It is a very rare occasion that a boarding dog is taken for a drive. But when this has occurred, The car must be thoroughly cleaned to avoid cross contamination. The non slip waterproof covers on the seats can be taken up and washed in the washing machine, plus any waterproof coats and pants whilst they are at the same temp.

Vac out the car foot wells, it takes two mins, tidy up and dust the foot wells and dashboard.


Vaccinations, Flea and Worm Control 

As per our Terms and Conditions, All dogs must show a fully vaccinated vet card at the meet and greet, I will usually take a photo of this and store it digitally on the computer, and this photo is also printed out and placed in the dogs file. Two weeks before the dog comes to stay I check this file and if needed, I email/contact the owner to bring there up to date Vaccination card with them so that I can repeat the procedure and update my records.

Most owners who stay with GGL Pet Services have a routine Flea and Worm regime which they email or take a picture of the packet to show the day it was done. We advise that if the owner does not have a regular routine for flea and worm that they carry this out at least 2 weeks before their dog stays with us and ask if they can provide proof that it was done. At GGL we understand that some owners do not use the Vet for Flea and worm and tend to purchase from a shop or the internet, at these times we can only take the word of the customer and check the dog when it arrives. We refuse entry to any dog that is showing signs of fleas or ill health without our prior knowledge. Should there be an outbreak of fleas on any dog we will contact the vet for treatment and inform all the owners of any dogs staying. I will follow vet advice for treatment and controlling measures. Any cost will be charged back to the customer for this.

We do regular routine checks everyday, check legs, body, eyes, ears, mouth, paws coat belly, usually during cuddles to check for signs of injury and or pain. As well as fleas. As we do regular poo picks we can notice any worms or issues during the time of picking.


Isolation Procedures 

In the event of an infectious disease I have isolation facilities at Medivet Vet Practice. There is an email confirmation attached with these papers.

In the event of Kennel Cough or another contagious disease, my procedure would firstly be to take vet advice and if they recommend all dogs be removed from the premises then I will contact the owners and then arrange for their emergency contacts to come and collect their dogs. Failing this any remaining dogs will go to Medivets isolation facilities should they be showing signs of illness. I will have already informed the owners that this will be at their cost if there is a problem with the emergency contact.

All dogs will be removed from my premises. I would then undertake a full disinfectant clean and follows instructions given by the vet regarding time scales and any other relevant information.

Dogs showing signs of infectious disease must not be allowed in any shared outside sexercise area

Separate feeding and water bowls, bedding and cleaning utensils will be available for the contagious dog until it is taken to the vet.

The dog will be quarantined into a separate room.

I will wear protective clothing when handling the infectious dog for example, gloves, disposable apron and shoe covers. 


Transport Procedure

Transport will only ever usually be required during an emergency, it will not form part of the day to day activities.

If transport is required during an emergency and the household car is unavailable, a Taxi shall be used instead, where possible Pete Cars Pet Transport in Shaw will be used 07790958215, alternatively any other taxi service in the local area.

My own blankets which the dog has been using or clean ones will be placed underneath the dog in the taxi, and I will provide the seat belt security for the dog, plus I will sit next to the dog in the back of the car.

Arrangements will be made for both collection and return. During the evening and weekends should there be an emergency my husband will take me and any dog which needs to go to the vet, the same procedure will be used, with blankets and seat belts.

If it is hot weather, a bottle of water will be available and travel water bowl. This will be used if necessary to avoid dehydration. If the weather is cold, extra blankets will be used.

Dogs will not be left in the vehicle for unreasonable periods and will never be left unattended in the car.

Leads will be used to take the dogs to and from the vehicle to prevent escaping.Any dogs being transported to a vet facility will be done in an appropriate manner for their condition and without further suffering. Vet advice on the condition of the dog and suitability for transport will be sought first.

Rules for transport:

  • Always carry water and a travel bowl.
  • Do not leave dogs inside the car for any period that may cause it distress
  • If the weather is too hot then inside the car will be double the temperature so it is advised that dogs do not travel in the car during hot summer days.
  • If it is very cold outside, please ensure that vulnerable dogs have jackets, I must inform the owner of this.
  • Dogs must be restrained in the car, Seat Belts and Harnesses are provided.
  • Dogs will be wearing GGL Pet Services ID Tags
  • Pet First Aid Kit will be taken as a precaution
  • Dogs will be monitored throughout the journey to ensure that they are not in distress – if necessary the journey will be cut short or breaks will be taken.


Fire Alarms

Should a fire occur, the smoke alarms will go off, these are located at the top of the stairs and downstairs in the lounge area, these smoke alarms are 10 year alarms fitted by the Fire Services on 14/11/2011 and replaced 18/10/2020 with the same make and model (10 year lifespan) fire brigade could not attend 2020 due to covid – 19

Fire Evacuation and Procedure

A fire Blanket is situated in the Kitchen next to the internal door. The Fire Services advised that a Fire Extinguisher should not be used for small fires.

The procedure which they recommend is as follows:

Dogs should not be locked in crates overnight.

The Fire Services priority is Human Life and the dogs are secondary.

There is only one door in and out of the house so if escape through this door is blocked, we can escape through the lounge window, dogs can easily be led/carried through it. Before exiting the gate dogs must be on leads which are kept in the porch area outside of the main building.

If the downstairs exits are all blocked, gather the dogs upstairs into the bedroom, dampen a towel and place it under the door to stop the smoke coming through.

Dial 999, the Fire Service has advised it will be approximately 6 minutes until they arrive.

Stay Calm open the window and await rescue.

The assembly point is over the road where the bins are located.

Routine Fire Safety Checks

The Fire Guard must be around the Fire at all times when lit.

Check escape routes are clear of obstacles

Ensure house keys are close to the exit

Check Cooker, Fire and all other appliances are switched off when not in use

Take Mobile phone to bed in case of emergency

Please see Routine Fire Safety booklet located in the training pack under the desk.

In the event of fire, once any dogs and ourselves are out of the house, I would contact Lindsay Shelley and Diane Grogan to help find accommodation for the dogs until emergency contacts/owners can be notified. Petsville dog kennels are also around the corner so worse case, they can be taken to kennels. I would also contact Animal Licensing at the earliest opportunity.

Should a dog become lost in the case of fire evacuation or simply an escape, I must contact the Dog Warden, the Police and take advice regarding contacting rescue kennels in case the dog is taken there, also the local vets to make them aware in case any dog is brought in for microchip ID. Social Media can also prove helpful in these circumstances.


I Gillian Linnell, complete a visual check of the house and garden every day.

Any Loose wires, e.g. phone chargers are kept out of reach and I check that all wires and equipment is working, including, cooker, washing machine, freezer, all kitchen appliances, plug sockets and Vacuum Cleaner, to ensure that no debris, electric shocks, food poisoning, soiled garments, and to ensure the health and safety not just of the dogs but of any humans entering my house for any reason.

Sharp edges, on doors, floors, and skirting’s are noted as I walk around in bare feet when indoors and outdoors. Problems are resolved within the day where possible.

The Health and Safety Principles Manual can be found in the Recourse Pack, along with the Pet First Aid Manual, located in the lounge area, underneath the desk. Here you will also find a comprehensive training package.

Emergency Key Contact is Lindsay Shelley – Deputy Paw Pet Care Services – 07805 320555, Lindsay will answer the call and will be able to come with a key to gain access to my house in the case of any emergency. She is a Dog Walker in the local area so is never more than 30 mins away.

My Husband Gareth Lord is also available for key contact on 07704 901717 should I be taken ill and need to be taken to hospital.

Emergency Contact Information for all Dogs residing in the house at the time will be found on clip boards hung on the kitchen door.

Lindsay or Gareth will be able to take care of anything which occurs in my absence.

They will contact licensing should my condition be critical and they can also arrange for emergency contacts to come and take the dogs away. In the event of my death, the business will be closed down.

Temperature Control including extreme hot and cold weather

In the event the house becomes too hot, I must open the windows and doors, the house has a thermostat temperature control which is set to 18 degrees lowest and 23 degrees highest, I can change this at any time, we have a Green energy boiler which keeps the house at a constant temperature, which is under contract by ASG (A shade Greener) and is serviced yearly. The stone floors also help keep the house cool, We are north facing so only have direct sunlight until around 3pm, we also have an outside water supply and a paddling pool for the dogs. We also have 3 cooling fans in the house which will help cool the room if your dog is too hot and will be used if we are experiencing extreme hot temperatures. If the House becomes too Cold, I would close the doors and switch up the thermostat to heat up the house. Extra blankets and rugs can be placed on the floor if needed. We have convector and halogen heaters to heat up the rooms quickly for extreme cold temperatures.

There is a Carbon Monoxide alarm in the kitchen area as well as two fire alarms these can be checked as and when, to ensure they remain in good working order. If Batteries need replenishing the alarms will sound. Spare Batteries are kept in the bookcase.

Leads and Harnesses

Owners usually supply their own equipment which I inspect upon arrival, I have plenty of spare harnesses and leads incase of any breakdown of the equipment. These can be washed in the machine after they leave. Please always ensure that harnesses and leads, jackets or any tack, are fit for purpose and are not frayed or breaking, Carry another lead incase of emergencies.


Toys are replenished regular so that no old tatty toys can cause any choking incidents or other accidents. Dogs must be supervised at all times when playing with toys and or other dogs.


All Windows open and have Fly Screens which stops flies getting in and dogs getting out whilst still allowing fresh air to circulate. They can all lock in the open position.

The air steril is located next to the window and is used to zap away any bad smells or harmful particles from the air. It is UVC technology so also helps to prevent the spread of Covid 19.

There is one stable door which leads into the Garden via a porch way, outdoor blankets; dog towels, leads, harnesses etc are found in the porch.


There is a high fence around the property, with a double locking entrance.

Dogs are monitored in the garden upon arrival to check their behaviour and can be assessed on probability, any dog that is determined to get out must only be allowed in the garden when on a long lead to allow him free enough movement to explore, play, toilet etc. the dog must be monitored all the time until the behaviour stops.

All the plants outside are dog friendly there is nothing poisonous, this is always checked before new seeds are sewn or plants are planted.

The fence is painted each year and is in a good state of repair.

The double gated entrance is a temporary structure pegged into the ground and nailed to the fence so it is secure and robust enough to stop people coming in without permission and to stop dogs escaping if the gate is open. This is checked on a daily basis to ensure it remains secured and in good working order and condition.

First Aid Kit

This is replenished as and when required, it is checked annually and any out of date bandages are removed and disposed of in the bin, a new order is then placed from Amazon Prime for a next day delivery of new stock. GGL Pet Services do not reuse bandages.

First Aid Kits are checked and kept up to date, when an item is used or has passed its expiry date it will be removed and put in the dustbin and it is replaced, or noted on the blackboard as a reminder. We do not reuse bandages they are disposed of after use.

A small first Aid Kit is carried on my person when walking dogs, There is a first aid kit carried in the car. There is a first aid kit in the house, located in the lounge area, underneath the desk. Further supplies are in the bottom drawer of the desk.


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 by Helen Garner on GGL Pet Services

Our timid 12 month old Betty has been going to GGL for daycare and sleepovers for about 6 months .Gill has worked wonders with Betty helping...

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